Group Facilitation

The Basics: What I Do

It’s meeting design and facilitation. It’s strategic visioning. It’s participative leadership. It’s workshops to multi-day retreats. It’s coaching individuals and teams. Helping us be smarter together. Helping find the heart of what people care about and want to accomplish together.

More about The Basics

The Subtle: How I Do It

The subtle here is a reference to what is underneath. It is true to me that there are some basics. Maps. Methodologies. Models. These are very important. And, if I did not speak about the subtle, I would not be being totally honest. I often use the language of hosting. Or convening. Underneath that, what I believe we are really hosting and cultivating when working with group facilitation is consciousness, wellness, wholeness, and resonance. We are hosting learning and experiences that help people go well together for the things they most care about.

More on The Subtle

The Theory: What I’ve Learned

“Make sure that whatever processes you choose to use or create comes from a deliberate underlaying theory of change.”

This was the advice offered to me from two important early mentors, Margaret Wheatley and Myron Kellner Rogers. It was a commentary on some of what we were seeing group facilitators do that sometimes felt confusing to participants. Since then, it has always felt important to me to connect group facilitation to theory. Not so much extensive detail. But as root, or bedrock, to clarify criteria for choosing what to do and what not to do. Theory is the story that helps make sense of the past, and, discern what is useful now and into the future. I often speak of the three theory bases that inspire my work:

  1. Living Systems — that organizations are living systems.
  2. Self-Organization — that groups of people experience “order for free” when centered in clear values.
  3. Emergence — that insight and change happens from what arises when a system encounters itself.

More on Theory

group facilitation activity photos arranged in circles on gray carpet

Partners in Group Facilitation

I have made it policy to most often work in partnership. The work is so much more than mechanical check lists from the front of the room. I’ve worked with really fantastic people all of my life. People I trust.

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Group Facilitation Clients

I have so enjoyed working with such a range of groups and systems over the last 25 years. From faith community councils to university-wide senior leadership. From labor unions to corporate leadership teams. From health care practitioners to school teachers. In contexts ranging from coaching explorations to meetings to retreats to large conference redesign.

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Kind Words

“Tenneson Woolf reflects a peaceful soul coupled with outstanding facilitation skills. He is wise, and he helps each participant feel wise as well. He has a rare gift for reaching directly into each participant’s mind and heart.”

Phyllis Winter, Wisdom Way Alumn

“Tenneson Woolf reflects a peaceful soul coupled with outstanding facilitation skills. He is wise, and he helps each participant feel wise as well. He has a rare gift for reaching directly into each participant’s mind and heart.”

Jeremy Nash, Creator and Convener, Poetry Tribe

“Tenneson is a thoughtful and inspiring leader and coach. He has walked alongside me on my journey into wise leadership, manhood, and healing of self. He is the kind of leader we need at this moment – kind, insightful, with a firm guiding hand.”

Prentiss J. Haney, Co-Executive Director, Ohio Organizing Collaborative

I’m grateful for kind words offered, appreciations from things very personal to institutional.

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