It snowed where I live this past weekend. Three inches on the ground in the valley where I am. I suspect a foot or more, higher in the mountains. Those who ski and snowboard will be quite happy.
This snow is a bit late in the season. Crocus and daffodils have already began peeking their way through the ground, warmed by the sun’s call. People have dressed down a layer of coat, themselves peeking with anticipation to the changing season.
There is a beauty in the snow. When I woke Sunday, looking out my bedroom window to mono-clouded and mono-colored sky, “Wow!” was the first expression from my lips. Wow for the beauty. Wow for the surprise. Wow for the gentleness of it — this was not a bitter wind storm that had created this canvas before me. Nor was it biting cold that continued to craft what was before me, as I looked outside other windows.
When we can learn to see the beauty and gentleness in the surprises before us in working together in groups, teams, and communities, just as we do in witnessing and welcoming Winter’s Sunday visit to Spring, then too, might we know some added, and needed joy of being human together.
Loved it!
When Winter visits Spring.