I find my sense-making these days oscillates significantly. Perhaps more accurately, I find my emotional state in sense-making is shifty. I experience moments of very clear, very transformed, very accepting, very kind. I experience moments of deep sadness, deep despair, deep anger, deep lethargy. Garsh. It’s a lot. I’m learning, thankfully with some very thoughtful friends that they too are experiencing similarly and seeing others in such shiftiness.
Recently I’ve watched a few videos featuring Zach Bush. He’s a doctor. He’s a medical mind. He’s super systemic in thought and offering. He’s quite committed to natural systems. He offers the story of we as human beings. I really like his tone. It feels genuine. And informed. And daring.
Here’s a short one, ten minutes, talking the importance of developing relationship with death, which is ultimately about life. It’s a pretty good mix of honesty of severe context, yet hopefulness. Yah, again, I like the scale of genuine.
Here’s a longer one, eighty minutes, shared with me by a homeopath friend, that is a systems view of Corona Virus. I like the doctor-speak in this. I like the contexting of virus presence (oodles of them every day). I like his reverence and awe for the beauty of virus presence and adaptation. And I need alternatives, sense-making wise, to “winning the war” narratives, or “crushing uncertainty” narratives.
For inspiration.