I’m learning. Just right. An important life story.
It’s an operating system. Personalized indeed. But not just for me.
It’s this.
I have to move with yes energy.
Yes to self.
Yes to circumstance.
Yes to life flowing.
Yes to learning of hard things.
Yes to acting, taking steps in the inherent mess, but also in the inherent beauty.
This is different than all the no energies.
Including many of my favorites.
This is different than moving with fear or to prevent fear.
This is different that moving with failure or to prevent failure.
At the core,
trusted belly and trusted people in my life
have been guiding.
Trust life to flow.
And flow with it.
Surprise and magic
then have a way of showing up and growing.
And laughing. And delighting.
Yes, learning.
A story to guide most of the other stories.
A story to enjoy and carry and live everywhere.
Yes to trusting in life!
Thx Moze. Yes, yes.