Base-Lined To Joy, Sun-Kissed In All Of It

Sweet Peppers, Daybreak, Living Simplicity

Sweet peppers grow in a pot on our front walk. They are still blooming. We still harvest. The peppers themselves for salads. The insights for reminder of simple things on a Wednesday.

I wish
to be
at peace
in the every day
of the every day
and in the the great flowing
of it all.

In the stillness.
In the movement.
In the clarity.
In the complexity.

I wish 
to be
in utter peace,
to joy,
in all of it.

Life’s Abundant Joy and Wisdom

Sunflower. Joy. Utah joy. Porch clarity.

The last two mornings I’ve enjoyed front porch clarity. It’s sitting at our small bistro table. With coffee. With journal. With laptop. It’s friendly waves with a few passers-by on their 7:00 walks and jogs. It’s easy low 70s temperature, before the afternoon 90s come calling. It’s appreciating simple things. Like this blooming sunflower.

And then a few words, from my poetic heart, that is so much medium for my clarity and joy.

Greetings in your day.


it is time for me,
maybe for you too,
to claim a next layer
of life and vocational simplicity.

it is the time for me,
maybe for you too,
to follow the night dreams
of ancestor guidance.

it is the time for me,
maybe for you too,
to welcome a next layer
of life’s abundant joy and wisdom.

The Simple Mornings

Peppers. Garden pots. Simple mornings.

This morning I sit, just for a little, on my front porch.
This morning, a simple morning, I crave settling.
This morning I sit, mesmerized just a little, by peppers in sunlight.
This morning, a simple morning, stillness it is.

Moved — A Poem of Claiming Transitions

Tenneson Woolf, Most Mornings, Moved, Prose, Claiming

In recent offering of my poetry, I shared that “most of my poetry is a response to a question that I’m wanting to understand or sometimes answer.”

This poem below is included in Most Mornings. “Moved” was a response to my questions about transitions. The kids getting older. Noting how things got different.

And then taking the personal to the universal. Naming that it is important for any of us to notice that we are meant to move our spirits, our souls. To be in transition. And to claim what inspires us, what we are “moved” to be.



The kids are gone now.
Moved to their young-adult lives.
Partnered with people and with life.
Geographied more distantly.
Exploring life, as I”d always wished for them.

What once was semi-regular morning squeals of delight,
jumping on the bed,
has become periodic evening phone calls,
sharing questions or stories of learning from the day.

There comes a time,
when most of us need to face,
or confront,
or evolved,
who we are now moved to be.