A few harvests from The Art of Hosting in Cochrane, Alberta.
“The only learning is unlearning.” Zrinka Glavas, who is in the process of becoming a tea master, and soon headed to her homeland of Croatia to open a tea house that is really about wholeness. I love the way that the form of things, in this case the tea house, is an entry into a deeper underlying purpose, in this case wholeness.
“Whenver we meet, there is a field.” Teresa Posakony, who continues to work at levels of energy in community. I love this learning about the organizing patterns among people. There is much to be said for the invisible, or the seemingly invisible. Thinking of the tea house above, the form — the meeting space — is entry into the deeper underlying purpose — healing, community, shared learning.
“DFQ at BMW.” Monica Pohlmann of Calgary referenced this in the check-out circle she was hosting. DFQ is a position — Director of Fundamental Questions. I love the attention here to the questions themselves and to building capacity and pattern to be in questions.
“We are our father’s dreams….” This is part of the lyrics from a Dougie McLean song that I used as an opening on Day 3, the last day to open us to growing seeds, to taking action out of the room. “We are our father’s dreams. We are our mother’s pride and joy. We are the seeds the grew.” What seeds can grow from here?
“Plan a harvest, not a meeting.” This is something that Chris Corrigan has shared often. A harvest will offer meaning to an experience. It will add meaning-making in the form of artifact, relationships, actions, plans, enhanced field.