- In my morning writing. Realizing this. If I’m still in my pyjamas at noon, I’m likely having a very productive day.
- In writing practice, enjoying letting the words write me.
- Friend, Tim Merry reflecting on the work of core teams: to accelerate learning is to accelerate innovation.
- Berkana’s annual report. A good sense of the journey, intentions, core messaging, and some fantastic friends. http://bit.ly/ijyhM4
- Thanks to friend Tatiana for “intuition as immediate apprehension, through multi-sensory awareness and intelle… (cont) http://deck.ly/~22Zuc
- RT @benjaminaaron: creating and protecting space for silence, emptiness and emergence is an active act – & … http://tmi.me/brv8F
- Moonlit sky. Crickets chirping. Gentle swing in a hammock. Good rest after three full and beautiful days hosting UCC Regional Conference.
- RT @katiaroha: 8 non-War Metaphors for building a better future from the future-shaping http://t.co/xO5ha3k. Adding Berkana’s host, not hero