Oh, there are times, when someone get’s it just right!
Thank you Shawna Lemay for your blog, Transactions with Beauty, and for your post, Between the Divine and the Divine. I love her writing. Her tone refreshes. Her photos are divine.
I need and welcome reminders like this that turn me to, “Oh yah, that.” And that wake me up to spacious generosity again. To the rhubarb growing in my garden. To the dog next door that so often offers me a smile and welcomes a scratch to his ears. To the pause in the sunshine to feel it deeply on my face.
All too often, I stress and default to my list for which there just isn’t enough time, or that, let’s face it, there just is too much to.
Excerpted from Shawna’s blog...
There’s not enough time left to become famous. So I’m just going to sit in my backyard this summer and learn to breathe again. I’m going to hang out in that spot between the divine and the divine.
If I wanted to become famous (whatever that is), I’d have to readjust everything about myself for that to happen. I’d have to go back deep into the childhood forest and stop trying to empty my mind among the birch trees. I’d have to give up learning to speak to the animals. Horses, deer, various birds.
I’d have to go back in time and tell myself to give up poetry. Maybe I could have saved myself from obscurity as late as when I entered university when I was 23.