Community that Learns

This is a great video from Phil Cass in Ohio that includes Toke Moeller and Monica Nissen in Denmark, Silas in Zimbabwe. The video is just over an hour — Conversations on Art of Hosting.

I was drawn immediately to the stories, the people, and the clear statements of purpose that show up around the Art of Hosting body of work.

Communities must learn — which means being in dialogue with one another.

The Art of Hosting is not the focus, not as a training. It is what it does in people in communities that serves needs. Silas tells some of the Kufunda story on this. What is possible with nothing? How do we learn together in unknowing.

What if hosting is the leadership that is needed so that we can be learners together?

How could we create the future we want and not just what comes if we are not conscious of it.

Who is hungry to learn?

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