This is a week in which a new Fire & Water Cohort convenes. There are 25 of us total. People that come from varied walks of life. People who are oriented to learning. People who seek to find their place in the mystery. People who want depth together. And evolution together. And courage. And wonder. And something beyond what they find elsewhere.
This is a week. It’s a simple story. And a compelling one. And it has oodles of complexity in it. Some extraordinary. And some very ordinary. And the dance between what is profound and what is simple. This is a week followed by about 64 more weeks — the Fire & Water Cohort is a journey of 16 months.
This is a week in which my anticipation is high. I’ve travelled to Cincinnati to cohost online with co-creator Quanita Roberson. The retreat with the 25 of us will be over five days. The preparation and followup with Quanita pads a few days on the front and a few days on the back. For spaciousness. For grounding. For getting still in spirit, yet busy with post-it notes and imagination. It is time to be in flow with, not structure apart.
This is a week that I hope contributes to an evolution, imperfect as it may be. An evolution that requires us as humans beings to show up, to listen with not just head, but also heart and belly. An evolution that reawakens choices of who we are as human beings together, and who we can be. An evolution that grows our inners and out outers. An evolution that welcomes both still and the busy. An evolution — this is where the initiation comes in — that changes the DNA of what is possible.
Stay in touch with periodic updates and witness here in Facebook. Thanks for good wishes and cheers of support.
Here we go.
This: An evolution — this is where the initiation comes in — that changes the DNA of what is possible.
I am so intrigued by the notion that we can change the DNA of what is possible.
I am all in on that.