What a treat to host a group last Friday and Saturday. What a treat to influence their journey and to create nuanced layers of community together.
It was the Annuitant Visitors Program for the United Church of Christ. Mostly retired pastors and their partners. It’s an impressive outreach that has at it’s core, love and community, witness and support, belonging and becoming.
The AVP was meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah this year for what is an every other year in person meeting. It’s my colleague Krista Betz that invited me to create with her, to help grow this gathering from one that delivers information (health plans, philanthropy, insurance needs, etc) to one that does that, AND, discovers meaning and purpose together.
I loved being part of the group. I loved their appreciation for the most simple of formats to connect together. So often this is the case in groups — they are hungry for a bit of purposed spaciousness together.
Cafe was one of those formats, asking questions about what retirees really want and then connecting that to program possibilities. It creates learning. It also creates wonder together. And it does it on behalf of people named — that’s the middle picture above. Yeah!