Wilding is a theme I’ve long appreciated.
Lately, like these Wild Snapdragons, now in Spring bloom. There’s oodles of them where I ride my bike these days. And where Dana and I walk.
As in what grows naturally, and often with rather impressive pattern..
As in what lives beyond domestication, beyond too-tight plans.
As in the unstructured or less structured.
As in the intuitive, the dream world, and the other sub-consciousness layers.
To see the wild, seems to call out the wild in me.
And of course many others.
What a thing to invite creativity together for the things we care about. To invite growing naturally. Life. What flows. Intuition.
Very special, Tenneson, to see the snapdragon in its aliveness and to remember we are all part of a great pattern. Thank you!
Part of the great pattern indeed. Thx Jeremy.