I participated on an OD practitioners call earlier today hosted by Dave Feraron. I arrived curious. I left fulfilled. I left reminded of the importance of engaging together so that learning and community can happen.
A thanks to Bob Stilger, my longtime friend and colleague back to our Berkana days. Bob has been asking for many years, “What is a difference that makes a difference?”
A thanks to Rosa Zubizaretta-Ada, who I’ve known of through the Art of Hosting network of practitioners. Rosa brought stories about bringing what we do with what we know on bringing out the best in people together.
A thanks to Yebome Gilpin-Jackson, based in British Columbia. I appreciated her call to explore the “dangerously unequal” in OD.
I also enjoyed the interaction I had in Zoom breakout with Miguel, a California-based practitioner, I’d never met. We got to reflect on the need for reflection.
The field of OD is many things. I particularly appreciate the calls among and with other practitioners for depth in humanity. For calls to practice what we know. To stand for values of learning, connection, and courage that both interrupt and evolve the OD field.
A bow.