Thanks to my buddy Roq for sharing this Ben Bushill spoken poetry. Bushill is a UK poet, carpenter, and father among other things.
Ah yes, it is so damn intimate to be human.
It is so damn intimate to be here
to be sharing this wild earth with you
sharing this breath,
drinking the same water
eating from the same soil.
Meeting you in the street
I try to contain
all this that swirls within and through
my inevitably aching human heart.
Sweetness of a blue autumn sky
and a few red leaves scattered at my feet
like flowers of blessing.
My seemingly carefree ‘Hi how are you?’
really a great cry of wonder
that there is a friend before me
and that we dance and weep together
in this garden
woven into a tapestry of life
gold and green and elephant grey,
whale blue and stone black.
Do you see it all behind these eyes?
the ocean
from which we all have come
and to which we shall return.
I see it in you
and I try to give
the love
the respect
the trust
that is yours
queen and king
friend and child.
For you are like me,
alone here
in a crazy, infinite
whirling life symphony
full of stars and leaves
birdsong and tears.
So I bow my head
just a little
as we meet
and talk about the weather
for I am in the presence
of presence
and in the court of love
the only language is gratitude
and the only words
are your heart prayers
keeping the rhythm of your life
as you walk the long road home
to the light that gave you birth.
“the only words
are your heart prayers
keeping the rhythm of your life
as you walk the long road home
to the light that gave you birth”
wondrous…thank you for posting the poem and link to him speaking his words
Tenneson! Friend! Thank you for the gift of this today.
“I am in the presence
of presence
and in the court of love
the only language is gratitude”
Sending love your way today!
Michelle Coleman ( past = Murton)
It’s great when any of us name these core and resonant essences, isn’t it. I’m glad for your wondrous heart this way Katharine. And for you Michelle in our continued connection of presence.