For an upcoming event in which I’m hosting pastors, the beginning of three days is a worship service created by some of the program leaders.
I don’t quote scripture often in this blog. But I am today, the scripture that is theming that opening service.
It’s Isaiah 55:12 from the New King James Version of Old Testament.
For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
My contribution to this program is largely about creating connection among the 90 that gather. And learning. And community. It’s about inviting story and reflection. It’s about animating purpose together, in community. It’s about what you can do for a couple of days in a room together that you can’t do alone or at home.
I won’t be tracking the context of Isaiah 55:12 as much as the pastors participating. Yet I love the launch that points to these qualities of joy, peace, singing, celebration.
My friend / colleague Krista Betz, Director of Leadership Initiatives, tells me how much she loves working with this group of pastors. I’m excited to jump in.
Joy of connecting through partner conversations, a world cafe of learning, some witness of learning.
Peace that is personal. Peace that is shared. Peace as an orientation to belonging. Peace within found through curiosity together.
Singing — there will be that too. I’m bringing a song from Susan Osborne, Chain of Life, that I used many years ago in some Berkana work. Still gives me goosebumps to hear it.
And celebration — fun to think of the way trees clap and wave. Celebration isn’t just cake with candles. It’s a commitment to loving what is alive.
Here we go.
This is one of the first Bible quotes from my childhood that I remember! I quote it in my book, Storycatcher, as my grandfather taught me to read it from his very large, old KJV Bible. You are doing such good work in the world, Tenn. Carry on.
Good to know of this shared piece Christina. Thx for reaching back and filling in some story.