I’ve created a new online workshop. It’s August 24, 2023, offered at two times to welcome a wide range of time zones. It’s 90 minutes, held in English.
This workshop is part of the big reimagining that I’ve been in this year, sorting what is mine to offer, where my own gifts and passions contribute to others. I’ll have more that fill in a revised ecosystem of offerings and invitations over the next six months.
The short of it is that I have significant desire to evolve facilitation practice, given this has been the bulk of my professional life. That’s inner work. That’s outer work. I think we, many of us, can do more and better, working with groups to bring more wisdom, kindness, helpfulness, and life-giving qualities.
It has been fun to create this specific workshop. I hope for it to touch the simple and the needed for all who come. I hope you will come. And pass along to others who want to evolve facilitation practice. Or just be part of a well-held workshop of learning with an exercise and a few impressions that you might take with you to try in your spaces of convening and learning.