Megan Sheldon and her husband Johan Hoglund have created a great set of practices and learning through their organization, Being Ceremonial.
I spoke with Megan a while back about men in ceremony. About the need for micro ritual, tiny practices that bring depth.
The 3-minute clip is here. You can explore the full 45-minute conversation on their site.
If you’ve been reading here for a while, you know that healthy masculinity is both an intention and a practice that I bring. I included four chapters about men in Gifts of Circle. Men that can listen. Men that can share. Men that can slow down. Men that can appreciate nuance. Men that can be authentic. Men that can surrender. Men that can feel and intuit. Men that can appreciate and create rituals both big and small.
My buddy Cory and I have formed an every two-weeks ish Zoom group, Men in Circle. Reach me if you want to explore.
Megan has accepted my invitation to the Human to Human Podcast. Watch for that later this month. She and I are also offering a conversational hour later this spring to further explore ceremony.
Jump in.