The image above is from a beach on Whidbey Island. From my recent trip, two weeks ago. It is looking north and west into the Puget Sound near Bush Point. One of the things I love to do on such a beach is stack stones and shells. Simple moments of balance and spaciousness. Impermanence given temporary form.
Words of balance and spaciousness often come to me. One time said a particular way. Another time changed by the tide and reconfigured with difference yet repeating theme. I love the feeling of simple words to dwell in, and to connect a wee bit of continued life and of continued intention.
This morning, these simple words stacked for me. A mix of what I sometimes share to guide others, and what I inevitably return to in myself, to also guide.
For inspiration.
Just be.
Dwell in self.
Inhabit self.
Breathe fully in
and and fully out.
What if
there were
and to prove.