Yesterday I received a book, The Soul Is Here For Its Own Joy, edited and compiled by Robert Bly. The book’s subtitle is “Sacred Poems from Many Cultures.” All of that intrigues me. Invites me. Opens my heart. I’ve been paying particular attention to Robert Bly over the last 6 months. I love having this book.
Yesterday I received this book from my friend Roq. Roq and I go back 15 years now. We’ve road-tripped together literally and through important stages of our lives. We’ve shared dreams together. We’ve found our way to much meaning and purpose together. He is soul brother. Kind. Very thoughtful.
Yesterday I received this book from Roq as a gift forwarded from another man, Brian Hoover. Brian too is a soul brother. Brian died last fall. This gift of this book, was an offering from Brian’s collection, through Roq. I’m honored to have this book.
Today, I opened this book to peruse. My first find was Spanish Poet, Antonio Machado. I love this poem for itself, for it’s connection to Brian, to Roq, to Robert Bly.
For inspiration and appreciation of the great silence.
Is my soul asleep?
Antonio Machado
Is my soul asleep?
Have those beehives that work
in the night stopped? And the water-
wheel of thought, is it
going around now, cups
empty, carrying only shadows?
No, my soul is not asleep.
It is awake, wide awake.
It neither sleeps nor dreams, but watches,
its eyes wide open
far-off things, and listens
at the shores of the great silence.
I love Machado…this poem is exquisite. Like our deep breakfast conversation today. Love the ley lines connecting your stories then to this post now…Beautiful.
Indeed. Many thanks Katharine.