- From Canadian Essayist, John Ralston Saul, “We move on because we are able to debate issues, not because we have left them behind.”
- I love the Canadian Geese that have claimed my neighbors yard. pic.twitter.com/W5OaPMMZPJ
- Wow! Shane Koyczan and Hannah Epperson: Remember How We Forgot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBVJuA0jr6Y …
- A letter from a 10 month old to Santa. Funny. Thanks Heather. http://theuglyvolvo.com/2013/12/10/a-ten-month-olds-letter-to-santa/ …
- Just get mesmerized. The intricacy of ant colony underground. Structure. Created by the super organism. http://www.myamazingearth.com/2012/10/giant-ant-colony-excavated-you-wont-believe-what-they-build-underground/ …
- @Narrative_Ink @chriscorrigan @AmandaFenton @TPosakony @Caitlinfrost Great to see your reflections Megan. Yes to wandering.
- Will Durant, American Historian: From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.
- Straight talk on citizen engagement (11 min) from Yarmouth, NS Mayor Pam Mood. Thanks Tim Merry for sending: http://bit.ly/19CjyeQ
- Love this from poet Mary Oliver (thanks Chris Mann): “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
- Inspiring story of community reforming abandoned house to space for arts. York, Alabama Open House: http://youtu.be/hh_RB6uWQ-c
- “To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest.” ~ Pema Chodron
- My partner Teresa is hosting a group in Washington State on death and grieving. Good, good perspectives here: http://youtu.be/xLQWM2j3AVg
- “Activism is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” The role of art to remove a damn in WA. http://bit.ly/142Mopn
- I really like this, The Rule of Six, from Joy Hosey. To loosen the grip of certainty. http://bit.ly/19hgc7b Thanks Jerry Nagel for sending.
- 7 minutes of presence, focus, balance, beauty: http://bit.ly/18cNVdR . Miyoko Shida.
- Now there is a video on humanness and empathy in healthcare. Thanks Jerry Nagel. http://bit.ly/112pZtg
- On intuitive intelligence & practice from Institute of Heart Math: http://bit.ly/YH3oQH . Learning fields is essential. Thx @tposakony.