- “I need to take a sacred pause, as if I were a sun-warmed rock in the center of a rushing river.” Dawna Markova. Thanks Glen Lauder.
- What today might be called “field,” or “the power of the whole,” 19th century sociologist Emile Durkheim called, “collective effervescence.”
- I’ve redone my website and blog. Thanks to Robi Gareau at CentreSpoke. Several resources there if you want to look. https://www.tennesonwoolf.com
- A great 4 min video on systems. From when wolves were introduced to Yellowstone. Thanks Jerry Nagel. http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/how-wolves-change-rivers/#.UwVvmvkr-_o.facebook …
- BALLE offers some really good annual conferences on localism. This year it is June 11-13 in CA. https://bealocalist.org/2014-conference
- BALLE has some really impressive resources on localism. Check them. https://bealocalist.org/resources-spreading-solutions …
- I’m really enjoying Steven Johnson’s book, Where Good Ideas Come From. Connects innovation in nature to innovation in human systems.
- From Steven Johnson’s Good Ideas… When nature finds itself in need of new ideas, it strives to connect, not protect.
- Love this from Steven Johnson: The history of life can be told as the story of a gradual but relentless probing of the adjacent possible.