Whatever the Problem, Community is the Answer

This phrase is one that anchors so much of my work. It is a tag we use all of the time at Berkana. It is an invitation for people to see ways together. I often offer an alternative on this: whatever the dream, community is the answer.

Berkana’s 2009 Annual Report is out. It is a beautiful piece. It includes further description and stories about anchors like this. It also includes a model on taking change to scale, on working translocally — Name. Connect. Nourish. Illuminate. And it tells some of the story of Berkana shifting into it’s next level of self-organizing system.

A good read. Some great anchors for setting context. And a beautiful creation (with a bow to Lauren Parks in Berkana’s Boston office, and to Maira Rahme, who I met this year in Sweden for an Art of Hosting, for her design.


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