I think one of my favorite parts of this online series that I’m co-hosting with Quanita Roberson, that begins June 4th is this notion:
In these days,
it is not more tools that we need; it is more connection.
It is not more information that we need; it is more wisdom.
This series is NOT a training of easy steps that assure neat and tidy outcome. It IS a communing of people readied by life circumstance to develop a different relationship with forgiveness, and the doorway that creates to wisdom.
This online series mixes teaching, sharing stories, asking questions, wondering and wandering to territories known and not known. There will be whole group and small group interaction. This series mixes insights found in both words shared and silence welcomed.
Week 1: Anger
Week 2: Grief
Week 3: Compassion
Week 4: Grace
We want to help all of us go deeper, more able to insert wisdom — thought, heart, belly, spirit, and practice — to the plethora of chaotic circumstance that accompany 21st century life.
Registration is open. Join us as a wisdom seeker and wisdom contributor.