A Walk With A View

This is a favorite view that inspires me.

It’s from where I most often walk, headed west on Lakeview Rd (could just as easily be called Mountainview Rd, but then that would be true of many roads here).

It’s looking east toward Mt Timpanogos, which caps at just over 12,000 feet in elevation, part of the Wasatch Range.

It’s the blue sky that I love, period. It’s the blue sky against white snow. I love the added vibrancy. It’s the snow that will bring water in spring and summer. It’s the ruggedness of steep-climb mountains.

It’s the way that my imagination is lifted, even if just for a mostly non-attentive moment, to welcome the vibrant, and honor the steep climbs, and appreciate what comes in a later season.

Yes, it’s a walk with a view, that I particularly love in winter.

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