I remain quite reflective these days. Wishing to dwell in poetic artistry. To make sense of what I can with glimpses of words and images. To feel. I’ve been immersed in such kind being with people near and far. My heart tells me there is something very important to celebrate, and of course integrate in natural and kind ways. And to bring forward as invitation in many walks of life, living, work, and weaving. A big thanks to all.
The truth of it is
that we form
each other.
We dance
in choices of the familiar
and in discovery
of what is new.
The truth of it is
that we alter
each other.
We hold
a hearth of belonging
and we bless
the sweet departures.
RB: We hold a hearth of belonging…
“a hearth of belonging”
so Celtic, to invoke the hearth
so Tenneson, to invoke belonging
this altering … I wonder if it could be called transmutation. Perhaps that’s the alchemy of belonging.
and we altar each other as well in the way we witness and respect and love and care.
We are never the same again, in small or big ways, for having met. – “we alter each other” – indeed