The forest was shrinking,
but the trees kept
voting for the axe.
For the axe was clever
and convinced the trees
that because his handle was wood,
he was one of them.
Bear with me. Trying to get words this morning, to go with a simple clarity from a rather deep yearning.
It’s worth paying attention to, no? This fable. The ways that we ourselves, contribute to bringing upon us, our circumstance.
I suppose it wise to have the ability to seek and contribute kindness. As way of being. Not just the clever of the moment that is short-lived and in the end, harmful. With fellow human beings also contributing with kindness to do hard things. And joyful things. We go together.
I suppose it wise to have the ability to seek and contribute consciousness. Also, as way of being. Not just replication of the shallow that is also short-lived and harmful. With fellow human beings also contributing to shift and waking. Together lasts longer.
I suppose it is wise to grow the ability to orient to flow with life itself. And spirit that infuses that. And nature. Again, as way of being. Not just stuck patterns that escalate destruction and further clinging to a story that was a misdirection in the first place. We do together. We learn to do differently together.
It’s a fable worth paying attention to. Yes, for the long view. And yes, for most of us, in the 15 minute increments right before us. To contribute from the long view, into these days, or weeks, or months, or years that we have. Together. And in isolated moments. All of it.
Thanks. May these words spark something beautiful.