Yes, a nice invitation from the 13th Century Persian Poet, Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī.
The phrase that stands out to me this time is “…lover of leaving….” I suppose, because within me lives the person that has left a few times.
Sometimes, leaving with courage, to heed the irrepressible call of life unfolding. Sometimes, leaving with avoidance, to perpetuate denial of a few beckoning pains of self.
I’m glad for Rumi’s voice of come, come. To soften my heart into self, and into a band of fellow travelers finding way, in this life of living.
Come, yet again, come, come.
I need this on a morning after a time of realization … and guilt … of too much time striving on my own, not trusting community, not trusting myself.
A favourite…thank you, friend.