Getting Grown

I know that many of us track the deeply inner to the outer. I’m so glad for people that can see such things. That can explore such things. What it means to live in these times. How we contribute our gifts. How we go kindly together.

I also know that many people map the longer arc of things to now. I’m also so glad for people and companions that are committed to such heartfelt sense-making. Able to name some of the shifts in stories of the times. Able to celebrate the simple. Yet also able to commit to an evolution.

This past weekend I enjoyed a bit of time in my yard. Where I live, Spring is springing. That means a few tulips and daffodils that bless color into the season. Things are growing. Things are waking.

I wrote this simple poem with all of that in mind. Some guidance and reminder to myself. Perhaps a bit with others too.

Getting Grown

Get grown.
Cut through the superficial.
Enjoy the simple.
Live in the truth of these times.

It is no longer enough
to grow old
replicating the shallow stories.
It is a time that begs for us to grow wise.

4 Replies to “Getting Grown”

  1. Indeed: It is a time that begs for us to grow wise.

    I am contemplating today the repetition of patterns, and what I *need* more than the comfort of familiarity. A question I’ve been asking in a variety of ways, for awhile now. Moving through the patterns of my day has become a familiar — and comfortable — trap. Hmm.

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