I’m a person that has long appreciated principles and practices. They guide. They shape behavior. They clarify choices. They create sharedness.
I’m glad to remember today this particular set of principles above, that have some origin in the group, Pioneers of Change, co-founded and led by Maaianne Knuth, whom I’m getting to reconnect with this week.
Be yourself.
Never stop asking questions.
Engage with others.
Start now.
Do what matters.
Glad to be inspired by the group I’m with this week, a celebratory bunch connected to many networks that had birth in the 1990s and early 2000s — one of those is Berkana Exchange. I was formed by Berkana, and will get to share a bit of story this morning about Berkana, with my friend that began in those days, Bob Stilger.
Good to be guided. Good to share some of what has been helpful and inspiring.
Creating principles and practices is one of the things I most love to do. Contact me if this is something you are starting or revisiting, and wish a bit of sharedness with.
Love your “star chart.” A new kind of astrology, perhaps. 😉
The one that’s on top … Be Yourself … caught my attention because I was in a situation earlier this week in which I had a little talk with myself and that was the advice I was dispensing.
Be yourself. Be warm. Be engaging. Be welcoming. Be present.
After, someone said to me, “You were so friendly and vivacious. I aspire to be that.”
My words back: Be yourself.
This person is not naturally vivacious, but she is naturally generous and kind. Be that, I thought. Be who you are, not an attempt at being me.
At the same time, I enjoy hearing that the talk I gave myself helped me step into my natural self. I actually love the process of finding the words — in person or on “paper” — that welcome and invite. That connect, in the moment.
So, I’ll take it. Reinforcement for being myself.
Yup. Thx for sharing Saoirse. The journey in is the journey out. I’m grateful for the ways you live this.
I’ve had some conversations with Juanita Brown and a few comments with what Chris Corrigan is identifying as containers around how the deeper conversation is all about the same thing which for me is called Circle Culture. And now your pondering. I have been thinking it would be good for the 4 of us to have a zoom call.
What fun company this would be Karen. Thx for imagining. Please call as you will. I’ll make a point of being there to both appreciate and contribute.