Today I walked for a couple of hours. In and among neighborhoods where I live. It’s Autumn, which feels attractive to me with its red, orange, and yellow colors. I suppose the seasonal transition is attractive to me also — has me reflective and pondering.
It’s been a while since I let myself just wander in an almost timeless way. For me, I set an alarm on my phone so that I would know the end boundary. And then I let myself be unplugged. No checking email. No checking the time. No doing a task. Just walking. Just noticing.
It’s good to be timeless. I remember how much I need this, to cultivate the timeless part of my inner being when so much of contemporary life is oriented to speed, efficiency, and a schedule to keep.
What I notice every time I give myself a timeless window — it feels quite surprisingly spacious. Today it was two hours. Not a big chunk of time. When in regular life two hours can breeze by like 20 minutes, or sometimes like 2 minutes. It’s really beautiful to feel time as spacious rather than time as a rushed race.
Tending time — yes, sometimes. Tending timeless — yes, essential and required. Here’s to that quality for any of us. And to finding the beauty that exists in our wanders and experiments of the inner timeless, whether they be 2 minutes, 2 hours, or bigger chunks.