The Japanese Teacher, Do Hyun Choe writes:
Stillness is what creates love,
Movement is what creates life,
To be still,
Yet still moving —
That is everything!
I got it from a Richard Rohr book, From Wild Man to Wise Man. Rohr encourages awareness in spirituality, particularly for men in this book.
Again, nice.
The photo is from a bike ride Sunday. Dana and I were crossing a bridge on our way back from a morning coffee. I saw the solo chair on this dock, still. I stopped my bike, my movement. Felt so drawn in.
I know I must have these kinds of places of stillness. As practice. They lift something in me. They settle something. In how I work with groups too.
It has also been important to me to feel movement. Yes, bike ride is a great pace for me. I also love the movement of ideas. Of words on paper. Of design for groups. Of colleagues and friends sorting the natural next.
For reflection.
This is really beautifully put and timely. Thank you for sharing yourself in the way daily.
Thx for reaching back Deborah. There is much beauty to settle to. And learning about all of it. Greetings.