@chriscorrigan Working with your tie off: apprenticeship and reality http://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/working-with-your-tie-off-apprenticeship-and-reality/ …
What helps us ask good questions? My guess is a practice of curiosity and a premise that it ain’t all known. #startthere
Interrupt patterns for collective healing. #NewYearsResolutionIn5Words (w/ thanks to convos w/ @tennesonwoolf @TPosakony & @medicineWords)
@AmandaFenton The fire for circle has shifted from http://peerspirit.com to http://thecircleway.net . Update any links to the new site and resources!
“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” Thx Richard Rohr via Dan Burner.
Check @timmerry: http://www.timmerry.com/blog/immigration-in-large-numbers-to-rural-nova-scotia … Helpful reflections on immigration, history, and belonging.
“In the end, fiction captures reality more than explanations about it….” Thanks Diana Durham, http://www.dianadurham.net .
@drz0 Heartfelt, thought-provoking 1st day @AoH_live hosted by @TPosakony & @tennesonwoolf w/ a dozen or so new friends & fellow travelers. Grazie
@chriscorrigan The core imperative: training in practice #facilitation #artofhosting #aohbtb #leadership #dialogicod #dialogue http://www.chriscorrigan.com/parkinglot/the-core-imperative-training-in-practice/ … -
Tenneson Woolf Retweeted Franciscan Sisters: I know sister Linda. Genuine as they come. And, courageous too. And playful. Glad to see this short piece on her. Tenneson Woolf added, @FSPAtweetsWomen deciding later in life to enter religious life: http://globalsistersreport.org/news/trends/women-are-deciding-later-life-enter-religious-life-28646#.VcPB-tIEt6A.twitter … Like Sister Linda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyM04DpHUV0 … #nuns
GOP debate format is challenging. Set up to win and to get noticed. Here’s a different tone. Obama on Iran: https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/foreign-policy/iran-