White Privilege II

White privilege is a bit painful to learn and see in oneself. I write those words as one who is white. The blind spots are a bit embarrassing. There is a kind of shame that many of us feel. There is an awakening that needs to be encountered individually, yet I find, experienced communally.

Awareness of white privilege pops the bubble of many mythical stories that I’ve grown up in, yet didn’t know about. I didn’t grow up in intentional malice or prejudice. We were and are good people. But therein lays a seduction and distraction — a blindness to “othering” and to categorical privilege.

I’m learning. I’m grateful for big-hearted friends, particularly those honest enough to explore a shame and kind enough to know there are many layers of undoing.

Last night I saw this clip from Macklemore, the American rapper and songwriter, as he appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. This song is a collaboration with Ryan Lewis. It features Jamila Woods. This goes well with another song from the same album, This Unruly Mess I’ve Made.

There is a lot that I love in this song. That includes the honesty and truth-telling that seems prerequisite to any level of societal or personal change.


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