I’m not a person committed to one particular deck of inspiration cards, nor divining from them with absoluteness. I am a person committed to learning. To loving. To feeling. To following intuition.
The above deck is, however, a set of cards I find myself returning to often. I find them beautiful. Simple. Centering. I don’t personally know Leela Kirloskar, based in Bangalore, India, who was kind to send me a couple decks when I shared my appreciation with her. It was my friend Quanita Roberson that put me on to Leela and her cards (thx Quanita).
The card I drew today — Wholeheartedness. I smiled. I’ve drawn this card before. I receive it as both reminder, and as a gift.
Leela’s words on the card — “An infinite love of life, extending joyous consciousness and generous expression, like flowers in full bloom.” Yup, there’s some potent guidance in that.
My words in my heart — learn, love, feel. Celebrate. Intuit. Through welcome of the infinite. Through practicing joy and consciousness. Through being.
I know that it applies everywhere.
A bow.