It might be you. It might be someone(s) you know. I’m inviting you to give full consideration to joining the next 16 month Fire and Water Leadership Journey & Rite of Passage. It starts August 2021. Acceptance is by application and shared discernment.
Quanita Roberson and I offer Fire & Water as a depth of experience. We aren’t offering easy solutions. We are offering what I like to think of as important markers, experiences, guidance, and community — for times such as these.
Our previous groups have included youngers soul-searching a path of clarity and integrity. Olders reclaiming focus of legacy. And betweeners insisting on deeper societal and personal change.
The why, with some cheekiness mixed with utter seriousness, is to invoke more of our grown-assed selves — each of us and all of us.
The why, is growing depth and clarity for a world in need of presence, wisdom, and soulful orientation — in each of us and in all of us.
The why, is to truth-tell the integration that is outer to inner, and longer arc to present moment — in each of us and in all of us.
The why, is deliberate letting go and letting come, to live deeply purposed, value centered lives — each of us and all of us.
We offer structure and rhythm to hold descent and ascent.
Three five-day retreats to orient to shared language and shared practice.
Eight whole group 2-hour online calls of witness and learning.
Monthly small group (5-6 participants) calls to build intimacy of companions.
Individual and team coaching to guide heart and edges of journey.
Monthly community check-in to invoke story sharing.
Flow Game to encourage curiosity at scale.
Maps, models, and methodologies to lift bigger picture and ground day to day practice.
It might be you. It might be someone(s) you know. I’m inviting you to give full consideration to joining the next 16 month Fire and Water Leadership Journey & Rite of Passage. It starts August 2021. Acceptance is by application and shared discernment.
Best to act in the sooner. Start with an application. So that discernment can cook at just the right temperature.